Monday, March 03, 2008

Update: Between Feb. and March 2008
I know.. I suck at this.. to have a lot of time to blog my life is just hard.
The ISC is keeping me busier than I thought it would... but that is life... we have a lot of events coming up and so I will hopefully stay busy.. so you may not hear a lot from me on this blog... but you can also view my photo-a-day

Pageant, for now, has come to a close... It is a very sad time for me... because I LOVE that show with all my heart...and I have an empty hole inside that has to be filled... it will eventually... but it is taking time.. so I have some "mourning" as I call it left to do.

I lost a very good friend in the first part of January to cancer, and her family is getting through the best they can. I know that is a hard time for them.

I turned the BIG 40 at the end of January.. I had 3 good parties... one with Sean, one with all of my other friends from tech, and one with my brother. So now I am in my 40's... EARLY 40's but still... 40...jeez... I don't feel any different... my body aches a little more now, especially after working at the ISC, but that will change as I keep the physical fitness going. I am trying to walk every day... at least 1 mile... hopefully I will be able to add to that... as the summer gets going.

I am also looking for a new job again. The company I work for is very slow at this time, and people are leaving right and left. The boss keeps saying that the big clients are coming on board, but we haven't seen that yet... so I am just a little nervous. The new job, what ever that may be, will come along at the correct time.

So that is about it at the moment. Not too much else going on... just busy.. I will try and update more...



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