Tuesday, March 02, 2010

End of Vacation Part 6
After about 14 days of arguments and fighting and seeing friends that I wanted too, it was time to go home. I was never SOOOOOOOOOOOO happy to be going home. We had so many arguments about stuff to do with this house, and things in the house and "waiting for Roxie" which by the way, we STILL are, I was sooo done with this "vacation". I love my brother, and yes... my father, but this was RIDICULOUS at this point. I wanted to work on the back porch and get the porch closed off again, and to trim the hedges and things like that... but because of arguments and fights, NOTHING got completed... I started trimming the azalea's and other things, and then Glenn came out and yelled at me that I shouldn't be trimming the bushes... it wasn't that time of year... but it was ok... so I continued... but that and getting the leaves out of the dog pen were the ONLY things that I accomplished. Yipee for me... so the night before we got ready to leave, we were all sitting in the house and discussing when Glenn would leave... and his wife and dad wanted him to fly back and leave his car there in SC. I told him that if we left early, I would drive back with him... but he figured that since he was "going back" in less than 3 months, he would just fly back... so off we go to find him, a airline ticket to get him home to CA.
We looked on travelocity and found him a good ticket back to CA. Off to the airport we went the next morning, to get back to CA. We left for the airport in Charlotte, and then flew home, and then the "fun" began. Stay tuned!!!!


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