Wednesday, December 05, 2007

7 Random facts about me...

1. I hate snakes and alligators and crocidiles... I used to live in the southern part of the US and remember as a kid- seeing snakes bigger than me and used to have nightmares, that they would eat me. So as an adult, I am absolutely terrified of these things.

2. I have had many different jobs but not a profession in life, I am still trying to fiure out what I want to be when I grow-up... oh yeah... that's right, I haven't grown up yet...

3. I don't like camping except in the nearest Marriott or Hilton Hotel.

4. I love theater- since I volunteer in one as assistant tech director, you can't take me to a show without me checking out all the "toys" that theater has.

5. I love chocolate.

6. I love the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holiday seasons. I love the magic that it brings to all. I would to have a white Christmas this year.. .but living here in CA I don't think that will happen.

7. I used to play the trumpet in marching band in high school.