Thursday, December 29, 2011

The year end is here... YAY!!!! Good bye 2011. Let's do a review shall we... I will go month by month... see if you can keep up... to the one person that reads this...
Jan- Not too much happening- Still didn't have a job and blessed with friends who let me live with them... Thank goodness for friends and unemployment. Celebrated my 43rd birthday quietly... with good friends. Started on a journey to change my life for good.
February... this is where it gets BAD- went to SC in the middle of the month to see dad who was in a nursing home/physical therapy center, due to a fall late in Dec. of 2010. He cracked his right hip and couldn't walk at all, and they wouldn't do surgery due to age. It was the beginning of the end for him, I could see that coming. While there, had a huge fight with family members and have just about severed all ties with that. Things were said and done, that shouldn't have ever come out of anyone's mouth, and relationships were damaged.
March- came home first of the month from SC. thought that I might have a job... not... but continued looking to no avail, but didn't give up hope. Continued events at the ISC.
April- Still no work, and not able to get hired anywhere. Kept trying and getting no response. Dad was going down hill slowly. He was moved from the original physical therapy unit to another one, and then back to the hospital to another physical therapy/nursing home to continue "recovery" always wanting to go home. He would never be able to walk again. Sad...
May- At the prompting of a very good friend, I contacted the Richmond, VA, social services department while I was in SC regarding my adoption, to get the details regarding my adoption. I had always known I was adopted, and was told as a kid, that the person, who gave me birth, loved me but couldn't take care of me, I had accepted that, but was told later in life, that the circumstances were not that way.... the situation was, really bad, and the person, that gave birth to me really didn't want me, and that she had mental issues, and had abused me, and tried to kill me..., but in a moment of sanity... only one moment this woman had, she decided to go with what the social workers had said, and to give me up.. wow... to read all of this was just devastating.... it ripped me to the core of who I was... no one except one person has read all of these papers, I cried for about 4 or 5 hours... poor teenage son in the next bedroom... he had to listen through the walls and here me sobbing... haven't completely dealt with all of this yet... still working through this... lots of tears and more tears, for the months of April and May....
June- July. Took a temp job that was only supposed to last four weeks, ended up lasting 3 months... Yay... I had work... I was so glad for that. Was working 7 days a week for a company driving around the bay area checking bus stops... went from Richmond to Fremont and all places in between. Long days... 6 days a week, but I enjoyed the money...
August- Was working when I got a call that dad was going down hill, and that they were putting him in the hospital, probably for the last time, this was the middle of August... Sent messages to a couple of good friends, and got the call from a family friend, at 3:00am that dad had passed away at 5:30 am August 15, 2011. Left CA with the help of good friends, and went to SC for his funeral. Spent 10 days there, going through stuff, and cleaning out some of the house and had to return so I could go back to work... and got a message from a friend that she had a position, to fill for a month of work... in Mississippi.
September - Went to work in Mississippi the first week of September and ended up staying there for a full month and returned home the 16th of October, met a lot of people and made some good friends, enjoyed the work but was VERY glad to get home... Mississippi was not a place that I want to live permanently... or even some of the time... Hot and Humid... while there, the head of the temp agency that I was with in June and July, talked with me about a position, that they had open, that he thought I would be a great fit for, and when I returned home, I needed to contact them and set up a time to talk and review the job and see if it was going to be something that I would be interested in... called in while I was in Mississippi and worked it out so that when I returned home, I would have a pt job in the corporate office in PH, CA. I was excited and nervous...
October- Got home and went to work, and also started working at the ISC frantically trying to get Christmas going, around a lot of work being done in construction at the ISC. I was so far behind... but figured it would happen, and luckily it came together all at the last minute...
November- Worked and worked on Christmas all around the construction going on and gave up hoping that the auditorium would come together, due to lack of help, and me killing myself between work and decorating. I received a blessing in disguise in the form of a new "techie" that was willing to also "kill" himself helping me get the trees and decorating done in a way that i completely unexpected. At 5:00pm on the 26th of Nov. the decorating was done... I have never ever been that LATE decorating. Hopefully, I won't be that late ever again...
December- Worked, plus worked all of the events at the ISC. Developed my lovely cough again, and am working through that...

Hopefully 2012 will bring a much better time and a much needed rest and catch up...