Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Vacation Part 5

Hi all here is the next part of my blog the trip.... we were in SC for two weeks, and for the most part it was a disaster, there were many fights and arguments, like usual. Our family doesn't always get along... we can hanhad dle about five days of each other... and then we are done... and that was the way this was. I was done after about four days here... because it was so STRESSFUL. People who know me know that I don't deal well w/stress.. My family stresses me out. Well, we had our ups and downs, and we worked on things that we needed too. I tried to do yard work, but as we did I got yelled at not to cut any of the green shrubs or bushes or weeds as I called it... but I did what I was told and visited friends and had a pretty good time... Glad it is over... while working in the yard... on the first Saturday that I was there, I was out trimming and cleaning the yard, and it was the March of Dimes "Walk America" day and there were thousands of people coming and going in front of my dad's house... while they were walking they kept looking at me and looking at the yard, and looking back at me, well, I wondered what was wrong and what I had done to make people stare at me... well I FINALLY asked someone what was so interesting at the end of the driveway and they told me that it was a 6 ft black SNAKE... I will preface this by saying I HATE SNAKES!!!!! HATE, DESPISE, LOATHE... do you understand, I HATE SNAKES.... I was petrified... I just said ok and left it at that... everybody thought that the snake was dead... which is perfectly FINE w. me.. a dead snake is a good thing... so after everyone had walked by, I finally "meandered" down to the bottom of the driveway and saw the tail of this thing and FREAKED and ran away... later when dad showed up, I told him and he went to look at it and thought that it was dead also.. but a couple of days later, it was GONE!!! YEAH!!! I later asked dad if he had gotten rid of the snake and he said no.. so whomever did.. THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!. Snakes and me NOT A GOOD THING!!!!