Sunday, March 12, 2006

Tonights thoughts... COMMUNICATION!!!

I have noticed over the last several days that we as people don't know how to communicate to one another anymore. Communication or at least what I thought it was, talking to one another doesn't exsist in this fast paced world we live in.

Let me give you some examples of this in action..okie dokie?? Last Saturday night is a perfect example of this... I was working at the theater that I volunteer for and we had an event to prepare for and several of our techies were involved in the event in different capacities. This event had several different sections to it so there was a lot to do at some times and not a lot to do at other times. One of these times, the adults were trying to get ready for the evenings events so we had our teenage techies in the classes that they were supposed to be attending at this event. Two of them came out of one of the classes and asked if they were needed... I was in the auditorium at the time and said no and they went back to another class. Well, one of our other "adult" or so he wants to think he is... techies, asks where so and so are and I told him that they went back to class and he spouts off, "Why didn't you tell me... I could have used them." in his snotty attitude that he takes with me all of the time. I said to him.. "no one told me that we needed them for anything. You didn't communicate to me that you needed anything. You don't talk to me so I don't know what you need..."
I am not his mind reader.. nor do I want to be...
Second example of this... same person.... the group was looking for a couple of back up mics in case theirs went bad, and the sound guy had me go to the small gym and get the wireless mics that he had over there... well I went running and only found one... on this case that he brought in from his "perfect" company that he works for some of the time... I paged him and told him that I could only find one, and I was a little panicked because I could only find one not two like he had indicated were there, and he comes down, during the performance, and then proceeds to tell me that the other one is most likely in this drawer in the case once we were on our way to get the case. Why didn't he COMMUNICATE this to me so that I wouldn't have panicked... those mics are expensive. Yes I know that we are in an LDS church building but THEFT does happen all the time. He knew that there was a drawer with that case.. why didn't he say look in the drawer and it should be there. I wouldn't have panicked...
Third example, work... I work for an outdoor ad agency in the city that I live and on the whole, the people I work for,( a husband and wife team) are ok... nah... they are NUTS!!! I am scheduling our human sign workers for this week and I call one of our employees who is supposed to work this weekend and he tells me that he talked to R and was told that he could have Saturday off.... he had some church things to do... R never told me or anyone else.. so I called her and she said that yes he did ask for this and she forgot to tell me.. it is not just this but that is how the business is run... they don't communicate to them or anyone else...
thanks and good night.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Dancing and Me!! The final installment...
here we go...
ok... so I had dropped Jen and Scruffy off at BART sos that they could head home and I went back to Oakland to help a user group in the theater that I volunteer ar set up for an event that they were having the next day. I got there at 8:00 and there was a dance setting up for that evening and I let them know that we would be finished moving the equipment that we needed to in a few minutes and the gym would be theirs. They were happy with that. After spending time with the user group, I finished up with them and decided I would hang out at the dance and see if anyone I knew would be there... I was pretty much right in thinking that I would know no one at the dance but it started to be fun... so I hung out for a little while.

I was just sitting there relaxing and enjoying the music at the dance when the DJ decided to play something from MaMa Mia... which if you don't know me, is ONE of my all time favorite musicals ever... and I started to dance in my little corner of the gym, which by the way I was perfectly happy dancing in my own little world, because that way people can't make fun of me.. out on the floor and I can dance anyway that I want to... alot of times I have been with friends or somewhere that I don't care what people think of me so it doesn't really matter.. but for some reason this time it did... so I just stayed in my little corner...

While I was wall dancing as I sometimes call it, this very nice lady came over to me and told me that someone like me, having so much fun dancing should not be dancing by myself, so I wrapped my arm in her's and away I went to the dance floor and I ended up dancing about 3 songs with her and her friend.. her name was Jackie.. I think... it has been such a long week, so I can't remember. I then danced the final slow song with one girl and that was the end of the dance for me. I had been up for at least 14 hours... so I was tired... but I had fun.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Shopping the REAL adventure!!!

Ok so... here we are to continue the adventure of Jenn and Me and scruffy... hehehehehehehe... I decided that I needed to buy a new phone because of the fact that my cell phone had an adventure of it's own in mixing it up with a soda and the soda won!!! OOPS!!!! Bad mistake here people... don't ever let your cell phone do the tango with soda... soda will always win!! So the three of us( not the three mousketeers) Jenn and I maybe could be mouseketeers but not Scruffy... went to Stoneridge Mall in Pleasanton to find me a new phone and whatever else tickled my fancy... the first stop we made was at the Verizon Kiosk in the mall and they were NO help at all.. none, nada, zilch, zero... none at all. I found a Verizon store and explained my situation, not that the phone had met it's match with a soda but that I was talking with my friend Jenn and the phone died and I couldn't dial her back... the screen had died.. funeral music please... so the guy did his best to resurrect the phone to no avail and he pronounced it DOA... and he decided to help me get a new one for FREE!!! Free is good... so we got a new phone... same style just new... (refurbished) as they call it... and away we went... On to the next store which just happpen to JC Penney... side note here.. while I was getting my new phone, Scruffy had found a store that he liked that had a "Lord of the Rings" chess set that had the characters and a different board... with hills and trees and grass on the board... you make the pieces and paint them the colors that they should be... for about $50.00 (STUPID) oh Please... who in their right mind is going to purchase something like that for that price.. oh yeah..GEEKS!!! The bad part here was that Scruffy wanted me to buy it for him... NO NOT NEVER!!! But I digress... note to self... don't digress, it makes it boring for other readers....
So, back to the fun... as Jenn meets up with Scruffy and me, I notice that she is smelling "different" than she started out... she as far as I know... doesn't wear a heavy perfume.. so I can't always tell when she is wearing any perfume... however... she STUNK TO HIGH HEAVEN!! and she was PISSED !!! I asked her what happened and she told me that while she was in the upper part of Penney's someone sprayed her with stinky fufu perfume... and boy was it stinky fufu... so here we are down stairs in the men's department looking for clothes for me and we found a couple of nice shirts and Scruffy found these "attitude" T- shirts that he just fell in love with... so he found one that he liked... and it fit him to a T.. so I told him that I would buy it for him... that started a frenzy with him... everything that he saw... he liked... I finally told him that he was done for the night and just to sit back and relax while I and Jenn, who stunk... shopped. Well, we got done at Penney's and Jenn decided that it was time to fix her smelly "icky-stupid" problem and buy her a new blouse... so we cashed in the IOU from Christmas that I gave to her ... and went shopping in Macy's. She wouldn't shop in the womens section at Penney's again in fear of being attacked by the spray happy sales people. I wonder why... and she found this new ocean blue blouse... and I purchased it for her..(she took FOREVER trying to find this blouse)... in the mean-time... I went to use the facilities and Scruffy decides it is his time to "make his move..." so to speak and with me gone, he tries to "hit" on Jenn. I heard about this part and so am a little foggy on what exactly happened.. so Jenn told me that while he was with her, he decided to "scan the merchandise" so to speak... Jenn being the merchandise... and thought that she was the least bit interested in him..NOT, NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN IN THIS LIFETIME... NUNCA!!! He checked her out and she told him to BUZZ OFF in polite terms and he was not going to let that stop him... you have to read her blog for this part of the story...
We purchased a couple of other items and went to drop them off at Bart because I had to be in Oakland at the ISC at 8:30 and I didn't have time to take them all the way home and be back in on time. I took them to BART and let them off and then I went to Oakland and took care of my thing.

The dancing part of this adventure will be continued tomorrow evening...
Good night...

Friday, March 03, 2006

The adventures balloons, shopping, dancing, and me!!!!

Here it is Friday again so new week, new post!!! Yipee!!! Wait till you read this one folks.... here we go....
This all started a week ago Saturday... I had had a very LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG work week and I was informed by D and R, told me that I had to work on Saturday so I was in charge of bringing 2 human signs with me... yipee... you got a big yipee when I started this thing now you get a little one... not as exciting... trust me... I picked up one of them and he is a little weird by all standards, then I picked up my friend J, who met me on the road and away we went. Believe me the next part is the adventure... hehehehehehehe... We got to the location in Hayward, and I met D&R with J and scruffy... more later on that name... and we got to work. Well, J and Scruffy's job were to be human directional sign actor or actress depending on the person working the position. Bull S---... so I dropped off Scruffy and J at their assigned locations, and also a bunch of helium balloons to be beside them... boy, they were excited over this one... and then I went back to the location to work... R left the location and left me in charge to hand out sushi, and other various food like items.. to potential home buyers or hungry homeless people that come up to the location to see the new $800,000.00 dollar homes that no one in their RIGHT MINDS could afford that price in this neighborhood... but I shall not DIGRESS, because I am NOT BITTER!!!! NOT AT ALL!!! Then I started waiting for people to come visit me... yeah... well about 3:00pm J calls and says I'm bored.. can I come up and visit you and not sign any more... and I was bored too so I said yes... bad me... never when a woman says she is bored with work do I listen... bad... I picked her up and brought her back to the location... and we sat and talked... well about 3:50pm I decided to go get Scruffy and bring him back to the location so he could help J and I take down all of the decorations and put everything away.
Before I picked up J, I had been playing with the helium tank that R had left there for me to blow up balloons with the clients name on them. I was blowing them up and going outside and releasing them... fun fun let me tell you:). I wasn't doing a whole bunch at a time or anything just one every now and then. J and I both found these humungous orange balloons called cloud busters and I decided that I wanted to fill it with helium and let it go.. J watched me do several of these smaller balloons and was like yeah do it.. bad me... see I listened to a woman and where did it get me... doing the things that I shouldn't have been... oh well... so we did...

On the way to pick up Scruffy, we saw this great big bunch of balloons that this apartment complex had blown up to advertise that they were now renting... and I WANTED those balloons... on the way down to get Scruffy, we tried to get them but J got scared off by someone who yelled at her... so I decided that we would come back after picking up Scruffy and all of the other crap that we had to pick up and get these balloons. Well, I came back and to my suprise, J had worked the string that had the balloons tied down to one string holding them in place. I stopped my truck and got my leatherman out and cut the final string and ran across the street to my truck and threw these balloons much to my delight into the back of my pickup... which by the way I now OWN!!! applause, applause... good me... but I digress... and away we went. We stopped at this school parking lot and decided to release the ballons one at a time with a note on them that if they were found please e-mail us... not that this is going to happen... but you know... why not. We went back to the location and cleaned up our stuff and went onto the second half of this adventure... SHOPPING... I will continue this adventure tomorrow evening.
Good night.